Today I was reading somewhere on the internet that a research, I think it was from England, showed that children of working mothers are not as healthy as stay at home moms childrens. (Wow, that was a long sentence).
Ok, the research claims that children under the age of 5, don't eat healthy, drink a lot of sweatened soda (like cola), watch more television and are often brought by car to school.
You know what bugs me, that the research result claimt it happens with every mother.
So I have to tell people that my children are healthy and they eat also a lot of vegatables.
Yes, I´m a working mom, since the moment they where born. I just wasn´t born to be a stay at home mom, it´s just not in me.
And yes, it is possible that their are family that are just like the result of the research, but it also happens at home where the mothers are staying home.
I´m just getting a little crazy about the fact that working moms have to explain their selves.
So, I said it.
(Sorry if my English is now really bad!)